CO2 Fractional Resurfacing in Grove City, OH

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CO2 Fractional Resurfacing in Grove City, OH

CO2 Fractional Resurfacing is an advanced skin treatment that utilizes carbon dioxide lasers to improve the texture and appearance of the skin. This procedure targets the outer layers of the skin, removing damaged cells and stimulating the production of collagen. It is highly effective for treating many types of skin issues, such as lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and sun damage. The treatment is suitable for individuals looking to improve the quality of their skin, particularly those who have yet to have success with other treatments or skincare products. Results are generally visible within weeks, and the longevity of these results can last for months, depending on individual skin types and post-treatment care.

The CO2 Fractional Resurfacing procedure is performed in our medspa and can take from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the area being treated. Local anesthesia is used to ensure a painless experience, and postoperative care involves applying a non-stick dressing and specific ointments to promote healing. If you’re looking to achieve smoother, younger-looking skin, book your appointment at Astria Aesthetics in Grove City, OH, today.

Benefits of CO2 Fractional Resurfacing include:


Anyone looking to improve the quality of their skin, particularly those who have not had success with other treatments or skincare products, is a good candidate for CO2 Fractional Resurfacing.

Results are generally visible within weeks after the treatment.

The longevity of the results can last for months, depending on individual skin types and post-treatment care.

After CO2 Fractional Resurfacing, expect some downtime with swelling and redness lasting up to 21 days. Side effects may include temporary milia, acne flares, and hyperpigmentation.

We recommend avoiding any sun exposure for 4 weeks before and after the treatment. Apply sunscreens liberally pre- and post-procedure.

The procedure is performed at Astria Aesthetics in Grove City, OH, with local anesthesia. It takes anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the treated area.

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